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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
Dates for your diary - June 7th Sports Day Man O War GAA June 11th all infant classes go home at 12 to facilitate Induction Day for incoming infants
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Mini-beast and Autumn Walk 🌳🐌

30th Oct 2023

Here in First and Second Class we love learning outside, and we have been learning all about Mini-beasts and The Signs of Autumn.
The children partook in a Mini-beast hunt. The children worked like Scientists as they carefully searched for Mini-beasts in their habitats. They respected their environment and left no trace as they learnt. 
The children also partook in an Autumn walk around the school. They worked together to find the signs of Autumn that were present such as the colourful crunching leaves. The children recorded the signs and these were discussed back in the classroom.